Lincolnshire Sport & Physical Activity Awards

Find out more about our 2024 awards!

About us

Active Lincolnshire is committed to providing opportunities for everyone in Lincolnshire to be active every day. We work with partners to address inequalities and inactivity, responding to the needs of people and places.

Our Work

As advocates for the positive power that physical activity has on everyone’s lives, we work in partnership to improve understanding, influence change, and tackle the challenge of inactivity.

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Funded Projects

Spalding Mencap Society Awarded Together Fund Grant

Spalding Mencap Society Awarded Together Fund Grant

Spalding Mencap Society have been awarded a grant of £1356 from Sport England's Together Fund.

The project is the latest to benefit from the funding which is being distributed in Lincolnshire by Active Lincolnshire on behalf of Sport England. The fund exists to help to reduce the negative impact of coronavirus and support community groups and clubs working with our target audiences, whose activity levels have been most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, to grow and enable more people to be more active.

Spalding Mencap Society supports people with Learning Disabilities, providing social activities, fun and games and reducing loneliness and isolation, in a safe and secure environment.

The funding will be used to support the re-established Gateway Club which stopped running during the Covid pandemic. The volunteer-led group supports people who have complex and ongoing health needs with limited movement, who are typically unable to access any mainstream physical activity opportunities. The club offers participants the opportunity to socialise with friends and enjoy a variety of activities. The funding will allow the club to purchase a range of equipment enabling the provision of inclusive physical activities, such as Boccia and Kurling, to run alongside other existing social activities and improving the physical and mental health of participants.

Find out more about the Together Fund and other successful programmes here.