Lincolnshire Sport & Physical Activity Awards

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Active Lincolnshire is committed to providing opportunities for everyone in Lincolnshire to be active every day. We work with partners to address inequalities and inactivity, responding to the needs of people and places.

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As advocates for the positive power that physical activity has on everyone’s lives, we work in partnership to improve understanding, influence change, and tackle the challenge of inactivity.

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Inclusive Language Guide Launched

Inclusive Language Guide Launched

As part of our ongoing commitment to championing equality and diversity, we have created an Inclusive Language Guide to promote and encourage best practice in this area. The guide is intended to support the Sport & Physical Activity sector to communicate using language that is respectful of diversity and makes people feel valued and included.

Inclusive language is a powerful tool for fostering inclusivity, respect and understanding. By consciously choosing our words and being mindful of the impact they have on others, we contribute to a more equitable and inclusive society. Inclusive language is a way of using language that avoids biases, stereotypes and discrimination.

Ian Brown, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Manager at Active Lincolnshire commented:

Through conversations with individuals I found a lack of knowledge around how to address people with protected characteristics was a barrier to engagement. People don't want to offend, and so often avoid saying anything. The purpose of this guide is to instil confidence and provide the language to use in the first instance.
The guide is intended to be used as an initial point of reference -we recognise the importance of adapting language to individual preferences and context.

The Guide gives suggested terms that it is best practice to use. These terms are grouped under the protected characteristics in line with the Equality Act 2010; Age, Disability, Gender Reassignment, Marriage and Civil Partnership, Race, Religion and belief, Pregnancy and maternity, Sex, Sexual Orientation. The guide also includes a section on why inclusive language is important and advice if you get it wrong.

The Inclusive Language guide has been supported and endorsed by a number of partners, both national and local, who have committed to using the guide to help shape their communications (see logos below). Kim Khajehnoori, Chair of Identify Staff Network (B.A.M.E), Lincolnshire County Council fed back from the Network:

"It is a brilliant, needed & up to date document and we will be adding it to our resources."

If you are interested in endorsing this guide please get in touch with

We hope this guide will be helpful and aid communication within Lincolnshire to develop inclusivity, foster a culture of belonging and increase participation.

Click on the image below to view and download the guide.

Inclusive Language Guide

If you require the document in an alternative format, please contact us

The guide has been produced by Active Lincolnshire and is supported and endorsed by:
Logo activepartnership Lets move Logo Shine Lincolnshire YMCA Lincolnshire Tile Lcvs logo EN Logo Core Black White Grnd VCS logo 1 every one logo horiz strapline 190px Lincolnshire Football Assosiation Just Lincolnshire Logo T Cf R Healthwatch Lincolnshire logo