Lincolnshire Sport & Physical Activity Awards

Nominate now for the 2024 awards!

About us

Active Lincolnshire is committed to providing opportunities for everyone in Lincolnshire to be active every day. We work with partners to address inequalities and inactivity, responding to the needs of people and places.

Our Work

As advocates for the positive power that physical activity has on everyone’s lives, we work in partnership to improve understanding, influence change, and tackle the challenge of inactivity.

Knowledge Hub

Our Knowledge Hub is the core of our website. Here you’ll find our guidance, advice, insight and support in all areas of physical activity and sport.

Get involved

Want to get involved with us? We depend on your collaboration to create and influence meaningful change. Find out how you can help Lincolnshire move more.

What To Expect

We understand that completing nominations can sometimes be daunting so we want you to know what to expect when putting a nomination in, and what happens after. The Lincolnshire Sport & Physical Activity Awards is a community awards, that are completely free to enter. Finalists will receive two tickets each to attend the event.


To keep the nomination process as simple as possible we ask slightly different questions depending on whether you’re nominating yourself or someone else. We welcome nominations for yourself as an individual, for your own organisation / club as well as nominations for other people, groups & organisations.

Completing the nomination form should take around 5 minutes. This can vary a little depending on how much information you give us about why you are nominating the particular person / project / organisation etc.

For each nomination, we ask for the following information:

  • Who you are nominating and for which award
  • Contact details (for you, and for the nominee if your nominating someone else)
  • Where the activities take place
  • Why you are making the nomination – this is your chance to tell us why the nominee is worthy of winning this award. It’s an free type box so please provide as much detail as you can; where possible include examples, figures, actions & outcomes.
    Each of the eleven categories has unique criteria so please read through the bullet points for the award you are nominating for and give relevant information.
  • A few questions about yourself i.e. age range, gender etc. This section takes on average 45 seconds to complete and is kept anonymously and is not looked at for any part of judging. As part of our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion it is important for us to understand a little more about the demographic of who is entering our awards.

You can enter the same person, project, group or organisation into as many different award categories as you like, as long as the nomination meets the award criteria. If entering for more than one category we strongly recommend you customise the details about why they are a worthy nominee for each category.

What Happens Next?

Nominations are open for the Lincolnshire Sport & Physical Activity Awards 2024 and will close midnight 31st July 2024. After nominations close, the judging process will begin with finalists being announced early in September. We will get in touch with all successful nominees, we’ll meet them to hear more about their story, and invite them to the awards ceremony in November.


Once nominations close, the team at Active Lincolnshire will read and review every nomination, before selecting a shortlist (typically, between ten and twenty nominations) for each category. The final stage of judging is done by an independent judging panel made up of experts from various sectors who are involved in some way in the delivery or promotion sport and physical activity. They will select the finalists for each award and ultimately to pick the award winners.

Nominations for the same person, club or organisation within an award category will be grouped together so it can be judged as a combined nomination with all the different information included together. It's not a popularity contest, every nomination is judged on it merits and how the nominee has helped get people enjoying moving more, and how the nominations relate to the award criteria. The number of nominations received for that individual will be noted but is not usually a deciding factor in the judging process.

I’m a finalist! What Happens Now?

Firstly, congratulations on becoming a finalist! We will be in touch with the good news, and we will invite you to join us at our awards ceremony with a plus one of your choice. Keep an eye on our website and social media for more information about the event as the date gets closer.


If you have any questions about the process, an award category, nomination or need the nomination form in a different accessible format, please contact us.

Enter The Awards Now

Find out more about each award category and make your nomination.