Lincolnshire Sport & Physical Activity Awards

Nominate now for the 2024 awards!

About us

Active Lincolnshire is committed to providing opportunities for everyone in Lincolnshire to be active every day. We work with partners to address inequalities and inactivity, responding to the needs of people and places.

Our Work

As advocates for the positive power that physical activity has on everyone’s lives, we work in partnership to improve understanding, influence change, and tackle the challenge of inactivity.

Knowledge Hub

Our Knowledge Hub is the core of our website. Here you’ll find our guidance, advice, insight and support in all areas of physical activity and sport.

Get involved

Want to get involved with us? We depend on your collaboration to create and influence meaningful change. Find out how you can help Lincolnshire move more.

Knowledge Hub: Covid Support

Explore our Knowledge Hub for guidance and advice to help you facilitate and maintain the return to play for everyone following the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Funding


    There are multiple pots of funding clubs, community groups and activity providers and still apply for to help recover post Covid.

    From Tackling Inequalities funding, which helps fund projects that support groups of people across Lincolnshire whose levels of activity have been most negatively affected by the coronavirus pandemic, to Sport England's Return To Play funding- follow the link below to see which funding best suits your needs.

  • Government Guidance

    Government Guidance

    The latest government guidance for grassroots sports and physical activity.

  • Return to Play Guidance

    Return to Play Guidance

    Sport England has a range of guidance and resources to support grassroots sport and physical activity providers, including information on how to support and encourage people to return to activity .

  • Cimspa ReOpen Guidance

    Cimspa ReOpen Guidance

    Funded by Sport England and commissioned by CIMSPA, ReActivate is a new, free, online training platform designed to equip anyone working or volunteering in the sport, fitness, leisure and physical activity sector with the knowledge and skills they need to confidently return to work or restart their coaching activity,

  • Club Matters

    Club Matters

    Resources to support sports clubs and organisations to prepare for return to play.

  • UK Coaching

    UK Coaching

    The #Return2Coach reopening roadmap – provides expert advice from coaches from a range of different sports to help you safely navigate the phased return to face-to-face coaching.

  • Mental Health Support

    Mental Health Support

    Mind, supported by Sport England have created a mental health guide to support the return of sport & physical activity.

  • Inclusive Guidelines

    Inclusive Guidelines

    Reopening Activity: An inclusive Response

    Activity Alliance has published Reopening Activity: An inclusive response, in consultation with partners across sport, leisure and disability equality. The report provides guidance to providers to help them make their facilities as inclusive as possible going forward.

    Activity Alliance have also published a new engagement Factsheet – Supporting disabled people from low income households to be active. View the fact sheet.

    Guidance for leisure operators to support the return of blind and partially sighted people

    In preparation for the reopening of leisure and sport facilities, the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), British Blind Sport (BBS), Metro Blind Sport and Visionary have been working together to provide practical guidance to support the return of blind and partially sighted people to physical activity.

  • National Governing Bodies guidance

    Advice and Guidance from Sport National Governing Bodies

    A number of National Governing Bodies have advice aimed at sport specific clubs and coaches regarding the issues faced in the current Covid-19 pandemic, and phased return of sport. A number have online resources and training to support clubs during this time. We’ve listed some below, but for more information from other NGBs visit our A – Z of Sports pages, and follow the links through to the appropriate sports Governing Body page.

    Swim England

    British Cycling

    Badminton England

    Basketball England

    Bowls England

    England Hockey

    England Netball

    England and Wales Cricket Board

    LTA Tennis for Britain

    Lincolnshire FA Corona virus advice for Grassroots Football Clubs

    Volleyball England

    England Athletics

  • Hygiene Guidance

    Hygiene Guidance

    Sport England have gathered together the latest government advice on how we can help stop the spread of coronavirus, including measures such as social distancing and best practice for cleaning equipment. The page includes free hygiene messaging and resources such as stickers and posters which can be downloaded for printing


There are multiple pots of funding clubs, community groups and activity providers and still apply for to help recover post Covid.

From Tackling Inequalities funding, which helps fund projects that support groups of people across Lincolnshire whose levels of activity have been most negatively affected by the coronavirus pandemic, to Sport England's Return To Play funding- follow the link below to see which funding best suits your needs.

Government Guidance

The latest government guidance for grassroots sports and physical activity.

Return to Play Guidance

Sport England has a range of guidance and resources to support grassroots sport and physical activity providers, including information on how to support and encourage people to return to activity .

Cimspa ReOpen Guidance

Funded by Sport England and commissioned by CIMSPA, ReActivate is a new, free, online training platform designed to equip anyone working or volunteering in the sport, fitness, leisure and physical activity sector with the knowledge and skills they need to confidently return to work or restart their coaching activity,

Club Matters

Resources to support sports clubs and organisations to prepare for return to play.

UK Coaching

The #Return2Coach reopening roadmap – provides expert advice from coaches from a range of different sports to help you safely navigate the phased return to face-to-face coaching.

Mental Health Support

Mind, supported by Sport England have created a mental health guide to support the return of sport & physical activity.

Inclusive Guidelines

Reopening Activity: An inclusive Response

Activity Alliance has published Reopening Activity: An inclusive response, in consultation with partners across sport, leisure and disability equality. The report provides guidance to providers to help them make their facilities as inclusive as possible going forward.

Activity Alliance have also published a new engagement Factsheet – Supporting disabled people from low income households to be active. View the fact sheet.

Guidance for leisure operators to support the return of blind and partially sighted people

In preparation for the reopening of leisure and sport facilities, the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), British Blind Sport (BBS), Metro Blind Sport and Visionary have been working together to provide practical guidance to support the return of blind and partially sighted people to physical activity.

Advice and Guidance from Sport National Governing Bodies

A number of National Governing Bodies have advice aimed at sport specific clubs and coaches regarding the issues faced in the current Covid-19 pandemic, and phased return of sport. A number have online resources and training to support clubs during this time. We’ve listed some below, but for more information from other NGBs visit our A – Z of Sports pages, and follow the links through to the appropriate sports Governing Body page.

Swim England

British Cycling

Badminton England

Basketball England

Bowls England

England Hockey

England Netball

England and Wales Cricket Board

LTA Tennis for Britain

Lincolnshire FA Corona virus advice for Grassroots Football Clubs

Volleyball England

England Athletics

Hygiene Guidance

Sport England have gathered together the latest government advice on how we can help stop the spread of coronavirus, including measures such as social distancing and best practice for cleaning equipment. The page includes free hygiene messaging and resources such as stickers and posters which can be downloaded for printing