Active Skills Hub
Supporting Lincolnshire's sport & physical activity workforce
Let’s Move Lincolnshire
Strategy 2022 | Chapter 1
Let’s Move Lincolnshire is a countywide movement encouraging everyone in Lincolnshire to be more active. At its heart is the idea that every move counts, which is why we’re committed to creating opportunities for everyone to be active – in a way that works for them, whatever their age or ability.
We’re particularly focused on helping people who might find it difficult to access opportunities for physical activity, or feel daunted about getting started. We know that being active makes people’s lives better, and we believe everyone deserves that chance.
Let’s Move Lincolnshire is our shared commitment to give organisations and people the support they need to move more, enjoy more and build more positive, healthy habits – boosting their health and wellbeing and making a lasting impact on Lincolnshire’s communities, economy and prosperity.
Achieving that goal takes team players committed to a whole system approach. Spearheaded by Active Lincolnshire, we’re supported by incredible partner organisations like yours, right across the county.
There’s overwhelming evidence for the positive impacts and life-changing benefits of being active.
Regular movement has a profound impact on our physical health, mental wellbeing, personal development, social connectivity and educational achievements.
When a community becomes more active, economic potential and prosperity increases, nurturing social cohesion, reducing skills gaps and supporting employment. Giving people that opportunity and encouragement has an important role to play – not only in reducing pressure on health and care services, or achieving climate goals – but in levelling up communities right across the UK.
That’s why we need to make regular movement and physical activity accessible and appealing to everyone in Lincolnshire. Right now, a complex system surrounds how available it is to people. At the heart of it sits personal motivation and circumstance, but both are heavily impacted by factors that all of us as stakeholders, policymakers, decision-makers and providers can influence for the better.
This Let’s Move Lincolnshire strategy brings together the views of stakeholders, citizens and communities across our county, along with powerful insights and evidence. Together, they’ve helped us shape a ten-year vision for a more active Lincolnshire. And it all starts here.
Being active from birth helps us develop strong, healthy hearts, bones, muscles and brains. As we get older, it helps keep us healthy and protect our bodies.
On the other hand, the less active we are, the more our long-term health is at risk. There’s a proven link between being physically inactive and increased rates of multiple long-term health conditions, especially in adults over 50.
Moving more makes a huge difference not just to our physical health, but our mental health too.
Being active helps us feel less anxious, eases stress, reduces the risk of depression, helps prevent feelings of loneliness and isolation, and gives us greater life satisfaction and self worth.
As our communities recover from the impacts of the pandemic, those factors have never been more important. Activity can help people feel better, stronger and more resilient, supporting personal development, confidence and, in turn, wider social and community cohesion.
Being more active has huge benefits for all of us as individuals, but the more people take part, the more the benefits multiply – making places and communities stronger.
A more active population is intrinsically linked to the economic prosperity of a place. There’s a proven link between physical activity, educational attainment and improved job opportunities, helping to give people brighter starts and better prospects. More active workforces are also more productive, with reduced absenteeism and a longer working life.
Having a relevant, innovative physical activity, sport and leisure sector that meets local needs supports job creation and economic contribution, and even counteracts recession. It also creates opportunities for volunteering, apprenticeships and training, with volunteers making many grass-roots clubs and activities possible.
In turn, giving people more opportunities to be active and improve their health reduces pressure on health services, something much needed in today’s climate. The more active our community becomes, the better the system will be able to serve us when we need it most.
From rolling countryside to sweeping coastlines, Lincolnshire’s rich in stunning outdoor spaces. We know these spaces can be made more accessible, open and welcoming to people who want to use them to move more.
As our county evolves, we need to put active environments at the heart of our growth infrastructure, creating spaces for activity and opportunities to choose walking or cycling over travelling by car. By factoring this into policy, decision-making and investment, we can embed opportunities to be active into our everyday lives and work towards our carbon-neutral ambitions.
The cost of an unhealthy workforce to the UK tax payer has been estimated at over £60 billion a year as a result of benefit payments, health costs, taxes and national insurance. (Public Health England).
Combined costs from worklessness and sickness absence about to around £100billion annually (
The physical activity, sport and leisure sector creates huge value for the local economy – every £1 spent on community sport and activity generates nearly £4 for England’s economy and society.
We can’t afford to stand still. Sport, leisure and physical activity are constantly evolving as trends, behaviour and opportunities shift, and as a county we need to keep up.
Let’s Move Lincolnshire provides a flexible framework, with room for us all to move, stay on top of trends, understand the developing needs of local people and respond to change, as it happens.
The pandemic taught us how vital this agility is. Like all sectors, sport, physical activity and leisure have suffered in recent years and need support to recover. As we help to make that happen, we want to put the needs of the people of Lincolnshire first, creating a person-centred approach to physical activity that genuinely engages everyone.
This carries through into the services the county provides. The shift to an integrated, person-centred care system creates a new opportunity for health and care providers to collaborate with the physical activity sector, providing the support people want, need and deserve.
Better health equality. Reduced demand for health and social care. Prevention of common illnesses. Fewer cases of dementia, disease and long-term conditions. A healthier ageing population. A sustainable approach to active lifestyles.
Stronger, safer, more cohesive communities. Better quality of life from birth. Improved mental wellbeing. Increased physical activity levels. Lower carbon footprint.
A more productive workforce. Increased prosperity. Transformed public spaces. A resilient, relevant, revenue-generating sport and physical activity sector. Physical activity embedded in system policy, planning and strategy. A place we’re proud to call home.
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